It sounds like a dream trip - a 48-day cruise around the South Pacific. But adventurer Don McIntyre, doesn't like to do things the easy, conventional way. This time he got it into his head to re-enact the epic voyage of Captain William Bligh after the infamous mutiny on the Bounty.
Set adrift off Tonga in a boat scarcely larger than a dinghy, Bligh made it all the way to West Timor - some 4000 nautical miles.
Don set off in a faithful replica of that longboat, packed with minimal rations and no map.
He even short-sheeted himself on toilet paper, little wonder his fellow adventurers were on the verge of their own mutiny for most of the voyage.
Above is a picture of the boat when it landed at Restoration Island, with the island's resident David Glasheen beside the boat.
For more details about this amazing story click these links ...
Hell & High Water, 60 Minutes, Channel 9 Australia
The Talisker Bounty Boat Expedition
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Tunduh wae.. terlalu loba teuing nundutan dapat menyebabkan salah ngetik, typo berbahaya, artikel amuradul..
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